Jakob’s stone 

It was all we could afford

A small piece of granite

His dear name engraved

On top 

Birth date

Death date

Mixed with our tears 

And broken hearts.

Love poured into that

Place as our children visited

Letting off white balloons 

On his birthday crying up

At the sky with childish delight.

Hello Jakob!

Happy birthday!

That helped. 

Our hearts healed 

But never completely. 

We brought it home

I grew Tired of sharing with 

A bench

And too huge stone 

Next door.

My peaceful sacred  spot 


So it’s here 

With us

Where it belongs.

Where it all started 

43 years ago. 

Where we can say hello

We love you

We miss you 

And grow flowers 

And keep it clean. 

No more cemetery 

Lawn mowers knocking

The edges 

Wearing it down

This stone of his. 

I love seeing his name

Whenever I want.

Etched in stone 

So strong

So Norwegian

So dear to us.

Bought when we 

Were young and grieving, 

But now it is 

Right here

Just for us 

As it should be. 

And children can play


Like ours used to 

But now 

Nieces and nephews

Hearing stories of this 

Uncle gone so young. 

Maybe we can even 

Send off white balloons.


  1. Brought tears, Jeri, so sweet and lovely. Beautiful poem. I'm glad you have Jakob's stone right there close.

  2. Thank you Karen. Yes, it feels just so right!


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