October 2024, stopping in Danville, IL, on our way to the church's historical sites. We lived here for one year with our boys, Gentzy and Jakob, from 1981 to 1982 when Gentz taught school here. Jakob was discovered to have a brain tumor at 7 months, which eventually took his life at 20 months. It was a rough year, but God never deserted us, and people were so kind to us. 

Danville Poem

We pulled off at a park 

So I could eat my lunch 

Under the trees. 

My heart and mind 

Mainly my heart 

Went back 43 years 

when we lived here 

For a brief moment in time. 

We had two little blonde-haired boys. 

One boy is all grown up now 

45 years old 

With babies of his own.

One boy lived a year longer

And left this earth.

We added three more…

Two girls and a boy

Who filled our hearts.

As I sit here near these trees

I’m now An old mother.

Yet My heart still yearns for those

Fleeting days spent here

Before we knew how

Quickly our lives as parents,

As people

Would change.

The trees were here then 

Still  here now 

Reaching their changing leaves

And branches toward heaven

Like this mother‘s heart.

 Oct. 21, 2024, on a trip to Kirtland, Ohio, and Palmyra, New York, church historical sites. Kirtland is where Joseph Smith and the Latter-Day Saints lived for a time. They built the first temple here out of their poverty in response to a revelation from the Lord. Many revelations that are in our Doctrine and Covenants were received here. 

Kirtland trees

They stand so tall and majestic their leaves clothed in a beautiful gold.

Were they here with  Joseph and his family who had so many revelations to unfold? 

Their lives were changing quickly as the Lord directed them in the way that they needed to go 

But the trees stayed on as witnesses of all that happened so long ago. 

The three degrees of heaven were revealed here at the John Johnson Farm 

As Christ himself came down to Joseph and showed his mighty arm. 

That he would protect his Saints as they sacrificed and grew for him 

Indeed, Joseph was able to bring forth his work and his testimony never grew dim.

So what do I learn from my trip to this town -this city of Revelation? 

For I live in a time when one would say we’re not a very Godly nation. 

I ponder upon the sacrifices, made by Joseph and Emma and so many more

I Revere them and thank them for all they suffered for this Gospel centuries before . 

Might I be willing to give my life for God and this glorious kingdom on earth

For when I found this truth, I knew that I had experienced a spiritual rebirth.

Thank you, Joseph for remaining strong and protecting that which was given you

For without the Book of Mormon and these revelations, I’m not so sure what we would do.

They bring us such light and glory and truth to my life I cannot imagine being without

For Christ has indeed spoken to man and that is what Kirtland is all about.

 Nov. 19, 2024

Jesus loves me Poem

Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so. 

This is the song I learned as a child at church so long ago. 

Now I sing songs of redeeming love and strive to be like him 

Who came to save this world from sin and turn me from dullness to a gem.

My scriptures touch my heart each day and I now have many to read. 

In addition to the Bible, the Book of Mormon testifies of Christ, who is my lead. 

I listen to prophets of God and apostles as they teach of the Savior’s love 

I enter the temple – His holy house where I  am richly blessed from above. 

So yes, Jesus loves me, this I know for everything I read tells me so.

I am a precious divine daughter of God and He will never let me go.

Might I have a heart filled with knowledge of Thy glorious plan 

And shine my light and share that truth with every woman and every man. 

Living my life as Thou wouldst have me O Father of my soul! 

Aligning my will to thine in all I do and say is my daily goal.

Help me to be kind dear Father to do as Jesus would have me do!

Lifting others and encouraging those who are sad, telling them of you. 

That Jesus Christ loves them, and this they must know 

For everything that surrounds them richly tells them so. 

Jan. 6, 2025

 My birthday is January 5, so I never feel the magic of Christmas is over until January 6. I"m extending that this year because we got hit with a snowstorm, so staying cozy inside today and doing some quiet reflecting, looking at the year behind and the one ahead. For my birthday last night, our children, located in St Louis, Illinois, Utah, and Oregon planned a Zoom call. What fun it was. I love them all so much and shared how I felt in this poem. 

Birthday Zoom family call

I looked at all the boxes last night on my birthday Zoom 

And saw the people I love most of all in my living room. 

There was Gentzy, Kari, Maggie, and the youngest  John. 

Most of our grandchildren were there from Illinois to Oregon!

Your smiles filled my heart as I looked at every one  

Knowing that this group here was just so darn much fun! 

Thank you for making time for me on my special day 

It was the greatest gift for me in every imaginable way! 

God bless you all in this year to have the things that you desire 

And know that in my estimation there is no family  higher!

I think of Christmas Eves as you snuggled in one room 

Did I realize how quickly this would pass and you would be gone so soon? 

So to see you there together again, even just on a call 

Finished my birthday perfectly — How I love you all! ❤️❤️


 A few days after Christmas, I sat on the couch, looking at the tree. When I reflected on the fact that the Stable was still there and all the other gifts had disappeared, I felt I needed to write a poem about that. And so I did!

The Stable

(December 2024)

The gifts  so gaily wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree 

Have been happily received, opened, and taken home by children with glee. 

A few ornaments have fallen and are scattered on the floor. 

This sadly means that Christmas is over for exactly one year more. 

But as I reflect upon these thoughts crowding my mind

I look once again and to my joy what do I find?

The stable is still there, that humble symbol of the Savior‘s birth

And I know within that this is the gift of greatest worth.

How I hope  for all of us  to take this  into our hearts

The Savior of the world who at his birth, promised never to depart.

Unlike the other gifts, so excitedly unwrapped and quickly forgotten

Jesus Christ longs to stay with those who know He is God’s only begotten.

Thank you, dear Lord, for returning to my tree year after year

Reminding me that Thou came to earth as angels told shepherds “Do not fear.”

With one another we joyfully sing Peace on earth, goodwill to men! 

For the Savior is born, then died for us all and yes, He will come again!

So as I wrap the stable so carefully and put  it gently away 

My heart is filled with gratitude for this gift of God that will never go away! 



                                                     My sister's love story

Today August 13  is my sister Karen and her husband Bruce's 54th wedding anniversary. I remember the day of their wedding so clearly. They were married in the Oakland California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints after a very short engagement. They were so very much in love. My parents and I flew out to Oakland from Illinois for the festivities. We waited outside as that is the custom; only members of the LDS Church can enter the temple. I was sixteen at the time and thought all of this was wildly romantic and loved my sister as I supported her wholeheartedly in anything that she did. Bruce was a kind gentle man and the perfect companion for my dear sister. As an aside,  I was married in the LDS temple myself after joining the church when I was 24. 

Bruce and Karen went on with their love story and raised a wonderful family of ten children: 2 girls and 8 boys. Most of their married life was spent in Utah and California but in the last couple of years they went off on an adventure and lived in  Guatemala and Mexico. In 2017 they decided to return to Utah where unfortunately a few months later in April of 2018 Bruce went into the hospital with a damaged aorta and left this world and the embrace of his faithful wife of many years in August. She of course was devastated but with the faith and knowledge of being together for eternity, she was comforted with knowing she would see him again. But still, of course, she wept and missed him terribly. She decided to move to Mexico where they had been so happy and lived there for over 4 years, visiting family back in the States occasionally and many of them visited her. This was a time of healing and grief and joy for her as she learned to create a life of her own without Bruce, the love of her life. She shared with me a story that Bruce had wanted to write her a love poem but never got around to it. So, I decided to write a poem myself and give it to her. She and Bruce were infatuated with each other from the moment they met until he closed his eyes and left to return to the God who made Him. Happy Anniversary Bruce and Karen! Your love and your life have always been an inspiration to me! I love you both!! 

                                                Karen and Bruce Forever (a poem)

He wanted to write a poem of love for her but couldn’t quite get the words to rhyme,

So he penned a letter expressing his feelings - one that would last for all of time.

Little did he knew as he wrote her those words embedded so deeply within his heart

She would find it four years later tucked in a drawer after they had been torn apart. 

It was for her birthday in June two years before he died he wrote to his beloved wife,

Stating his desires to protect her, care for and love her for she was the joy of his life.

In Mexico they traveled together, exploring and living life happily following their dream

Away from the cares of the world, work and problems, just two now on their team.

Ten children they had lovingly raised, working hard and moving from place to place.

But now they had the freedom to choose where they lived and retired from that race.

Hand in hand they walked to each exotic place enjoying the sights and the sounds.

The pace of this land so different from home where chaos and stress did abound.

He ended the letter with his words of love that would indeed last forever,

Signing his name she has held in her heart for the 46 years they were together.

My sister sighs as she takes this “gem” from its place in her dresser drawer

Cherishing his love, and feeling his presence as she has so many times before. 

His last words to Karen his wife and their children as they watched his life subside

Were “You must create a life you can enjoy for it has been a beautiful ride.” 

So She has done just that and returned to where they were happy those last two years.

And as she sits and remembers and cries Bruce speaks:” I’m waiting for you, dry your tears.” 

Together again is truly in her future, standing next to her valiant, loved one so true

Separated now only by time and space with heaven hiding him from her view.

But within her heart, where many  memories reside of the two of them together

She knows indeed as Bruce so lovingly penned,  “We are on our way to forever.” 

(There’s your poem Bruce…love, Jeri)  


                               Dancing at their son's wedding many years later..still as much in love as ever!

 Dan is a friend of our family in Bend and is now our friend. This was written for his birthday while we were out there visiting in June 2024 for our grandaughter Zoe's high school graduation.

Dan the Man 

(June 8 2024 for Dan’s birthday in Bend OR)

Gentz wearily rolled into Bend in a Penske truck pulling a car,

Tired of driving and unsure of the next step on this journey from afar. 

But help was around the corner for waiting for him was Dan 

Who gave him what was needed, and took over with helpers all strong to a man.

Dan won his heart that day three years ago in June 

And ever since there has been a bond that won’t be broken soon. 

So Happy Birthday dear Dan as this year you turn 45. 

We are glad that with all your adventures you’ve made it this far alive!