Going Home from the Mission

August 18, 2018

In June after our mission ended and we went on a lovely Norwegian Cruise,we flew home  from Copenhagen Denmark instead of Berlin. My whole mission I had wanted to go to Copenhagen.  There were a couple of reasons for that. There was  a beautiful temple there that was only 4 hours away via ferry and train. 

The actual statue of the Christus that the Church uses and is in the Temple Square visitors center in Utah  is located in a church there. 

The oldest amusement park in the world, Tivoli, is located in the middle of Copenhagen.

And most importantly to me  the famous 19th century Danish religious painter Carl Bloch had most  of  his  famous  paintings of the Savior we have all come to know and love displayed there.  

They are housed  in the Fredericksborg Castle, a little out of the city. So, finally that  day arrived . We awoke Monday, determined to get to the Castle where I could finally see these pictures! It was a beautiful day, the castle was huge and there were a ton of tourists as it is quite a landmark and is also Denmark’s National Historical Museum. 

We of course asked about the Carl Bloch paintings as soon as we entered and were directed to the chapel area which was stupendous in itself as those European churches are. The organ was playing which Gentz loved and as we walked we eagerly looked for the display we knew was there somewhere.

Finally we reached the Carl Bloch room! It was at the end of the chapel in a tiny room which served mainly as a walk through from the church to the rest of the castle. It was dark…you could barely see the paintings.

There was no place to sit, to ponder as one looked at these masterpieces and the beauty of them and of the Savior who they all so beautifully expressed. The whole story of the main events of the Savior’s life were there ending with His ascension into heaven after the Resurrection. There was the woman at the well that hangs in so many  Relief Society rooms and many others! Oh how I loved seeing them! The originals!!  Yet, These spiritually moving paintings were in a walk through and people hurried past barely sending a glance towards these magnificent portrayals of the Savior and His life and death. 

All throughout  the rest of the castle there were huge pictures of other dead kings, long forgotten and a whole beautiful room dedicated to the royal family of Denmark. 

Yet the King of kings, living still, barely had his own room, just like in His life…no room for Him at the inn…no room for Him at the castle, no room for Him in our hearts.  We know that someday every knee shall bow..yes, even the knees of kings and every tongue confess that He is the great Messiah, the king of kings, the Lord of Lords. He, the living Christ, will then certainly have everyone’s attention. But for now, He remains tucked away, waiting for the humble and meek to find Him, to bring Him out of the obscurity of their hearts and make Him the center of their lives. All he asks is a broken heart and a contrite spirit and a desire and willingness to follow Him and keep His commandments. 

How this summed up  what we saw on our mission….the people who were the most humble  stopped and looked, listened to the message of peace and beauty that the missionaries brought. But most hurried past, not a glance and hurriedly looked away if they did glance.  I never could understand how anyone could turn those missionaries, so honest in heart and light in their countenances and full of goodness and love away.

Can’t they see? I wanted to  cry out….here is the answer to your problems….the complete true and restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen!! This will change your life, rock your world and put you right were you need to be..on the pathway home..the covenant  path. “Look to God and LIVE!” STOP for a minute! Consider. Open your minds. But on they go…hurrying to the next bus stop and whatever problems of life await them. Are we who know better and have this rich wonderful Gospel  the same? Do we stop and seek the Lord early and often when a challenge presents itself? Do we seek answers  from the world or self help  books rather than from the very book itself written by the hand of God that will answer any question or problem and at the very least bring us the peace that we  and so many others seek when faced with difficulties?? Is Christ tucked away into a tiny corner of my heart like in that castle? I want to bring Him into the royal room where He deserves to reside..front and center in my life.  I want to give Him the time that is needed for me to learn more of Him…to seek Him and to receive the peace and love He is so willing to give to those who He loves.  We have been counseled to go to the temple often, to feast upon the scriptures, to seek our our kindred dead, to minister to others. All these are ways we can bring the Savior to the center of our hearts where He belongs. “Look to God and live.”! How simple yet how very true!

I echo the words of the prophet Jacob from the Book of Mormon…. “Oh, how great is the plan of our God!” How great indeed!! He has a plan for each of us.. His children wherever in the world we might be. May we live according to that plan as we get on our knees and ask and then listen and then act as we minister to others.  I cannot thank Him enough for His love and support and for the sacred privilege we had in serving Him whom we love and revere these past 18 months. I only pray that we did some good and that our service was acceptable to Him, imperfect though it may have been. 

                                                         Thank you for traveling this journey with us. 


March 27, 2018

Well, the weeks are dwindling down with just ten left, and I will give you this one in review. We said goodbye to our young Elder Brown on Wednesday morning and welcomed to Rostock Elder Openshaw who is almost finished with his mission..going home just a few weeks after we do, so he no doubt will send us off. Hopefully that will be the case as my heart can't take much more of saying goodbye to these young missionaries who we come to love so much. I feel ever so grateful for all of them and hope that wherever in the world you are that you can love the  missionaries, be kind to them and oh yes, feed them when you can!! Need help? Call the missionaries! They delight in service! They are  out here at their own expense because they love God and desire to serve Him. 

     Wednesday afternoon we met our dear friend Seigrid at the church...remember her? The one who doesn't believe in God or the afterlife? Anyway, as I shared, her husband has a fatal brain tumor and is dying...he is still at home and she doesn't get out much, but decided to come out that afternoon and see a few friends. We were grateful that we were on that list and had a good visit with her. Maybe next week when she comes back to learn some "English" we can re visit that life after death conversation. I hope so.

Thursday was a "card making"  activity with a few Relief Society sisters. The head gal who was teaching us (visiting from out of town) had a few  funny choice German words to say about mine as I tend to end up with crooked lace, paper etc. etc. but it was great fun and we each made two lovely cards. It was a small group, but a lot of laughter and my Angelika and Gentz were nearby to interpret what I needed to hear. 

Saturday we had District meeting with our four missionaries and got to know the new ones a little bit more...two always come over from Schwerin about an hour away..we have our new Elder Openshaw (new to us, not to the mission) and Elder Souza Lima in Schwerin now who is from Brazil. I had made taco soup that I thought was way too spicy but they LOVED it! For next district meeting tomorrow I am making a Brazilian Stew with black beans and a ton of meat in yes, my ever faithful crockpot. Gentz made his annual Bunny bread! We love feeding the missionaries.

Sunday was a great day at church with several visitors and we had Daniel over for lunch with the Elders. He had made Gentz an Africa shirt with a sewing machine we gave him that was our dear Sister Schlunze's ( who died last year). Daniel was a tailor by trade back in Ghana and the shirt is so beautifully made. Then we took a meal over to the Bernhardts who just had their little baby Aurora on Saturday morning. After that, Katharina, our neighbor came over and visited for a couple of hours as well as the elders as I always love for them to meet her.

Yesterday we went to visit Elke and Peter and watch slides of their Egyptian Tour. Elke is a shopowner right around the corner who I have gotten to know fairly well and she has been wanting to have us over to their apartment for some time. It was a fun couple of hours with them and they were ever so hospitable with cake and tea of course...Gentz had to eat 3 pieces of cake!! But as he said it is not as rich as American cake..more like whipped cream, so he was fine! We so love getting to know these hospitable Germans better and I have certainly learned more about being a good host! There is always food, tea and great conversation and many laughs!

Friday our Easter initiative launched here in Europe...#immerda or #alwaysthere with a lovely video and cards we can hand out and ask others how Christ has been there for them. As Gentz and I were discussing this with one another we decided that for us, we would say when our children suffered, He was there. Unfortunately, that seems to be where the most suffering in our family has been. How grateful I am for the peace that we have received and the love always felt in even our darkest moments!! Truly He is ALWAYS THERE!! He is STILL THERE! I have attached the very short video if you would like it and reflect yourselves on how the Savior has been there for you throughout your lives.  always there english.mp4

So, there we have it..the news this week from rainy Rostock! We so appreciate all of your prayers and your friendship. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I will close with this scripture that I love from Doctrine and Covenants 6:14; "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, blessed art thou for what thou hast done; for thou hast inquired of me, and behold, as often as thou hast inquired thou hast received instruction of my Spirit. If it had not been so, thou wouldst not have come to the place where thou art at this time."  I love thinking about that....as we inquire of the Lord He guides us through His spirt and we know that we are led by Him. I am so looking forward to General Conference this weekend and being able to "sit at the feet" of the prophet and apostles and leaders as they give us the divine direction through the spirit of what the Lord would have us know at this time. If you want to hear some really great talks from inspired men and women, tune in to LDS.ORG and watch on Saturday and Sunday...you won't be disappointed!

We are grateful for the sacred privilege to be here at this time on this mission and know we are right where we need to be. Our lives have been enriched, our hearts have grown and our testimony that God loves all of His Children has indeed been strengthened.  Happy Easter and remember that He  is ALWAYS THERE!!

What I've discovered on this mission

March 7, 2018

This one is from Gentz! As I was preparing to go on a street display with the young missionaries (not my favorite thing to do), I said to Jeri and to myself: You know why I came on this mission as hard as it was to leave our comfortable home, our dear friends and our family who we love so much? It is because I can't stand to see people suffer. I want them to have the same peace and joy that I have because of my love for Jesus Christ. I want them to have someone to turn to when loved ones die and they cry out of grief, when they feel alone, when bad things happen as they do often through no fault of their own.

Here are a few discoveries that I have made over the last 14 months. I have discovered that I worry way too much but I'm not willing to give up my cautious approach to life completely. I just know that too much worry is totally unnecessary and takes way too much energy. I will pray that things will go well with any given endeavor and accept what comes my way. I think I can honestly say that most of my worries have not been fulfilled  for which I am very grateful. Faith not fear.

I have learned that Jeri and I can live physically very close and spend most of our time together and be happy .We depend on and support each other . There is a wonderful balance. I am amazed at how well we get along actually. We aren't perfect and we don't have a perfect marriage but we do have a good one that we have worked on for a few years. I can't explain love or define it simply but I can simply say I love her. Marriage is for time and eternity.

I was truly scared to come on a mission because I thought It would be a young man mission again.I am not a young man and God knows this of course. He is not asking me to do young man things again.That part of my life is over. I do 60 year old things now.That is the way it was always meant to be.

There were talks written to that effect several years ago. God knows I am a different person now with different abilities than I had 40 years ago.Why would He want me to go back and do the same things I did as a young man? As I change so do my responsibilities.

Speaking of change I have had to accept certain physical limitations I didn't think would be until later in life . I'm having a shoulder issue they say are related to age and an old injury from lifting too many weights. I  know I can't keep doing to my body what I have been without damaging it. I have learned finally that there are very adequate and satisfying alternatives which I am currently pursuing(i.e. yoga, stretching) . Change is okay and usually overdue.

My greatest challenge here has been missing our family and home.This is difficult for me. At the same time though I am having probably the greatest ,most satisfying time of my life. The balance is sufficient that when my heart carries me home I can look around and be somehow amazed at the wonder of it all and everything is okay. I do not like being away from kids or home just like some mornings I don't feel like working out but I never regret it after I go ahead with it. Home sick is okay. Doing hard things is okay.  In the end everything will be okay because that's the plan.

Young people have a lot of knowledge and wisdom . I am amazed at what comes out of the mouths of the young Sisters and Elders. I am not surprised however when they sometime show a certain lack of maturity because they are young and have the right to be immature .Sometimes I feel I have something to offer them in terms of wisdom but most of the time the best thing I offer them is love. Young people need a little advice and a lot of love.

I love the Germans and the German way of life even more than 40 years ago. There is so much positive and beautiful here. I appreciate this enhanced vision of this people and land. Interestingly I have come to love my country even more as a result. I am very happy to be an American. The Germans feel so bad about their past that they cannot say proud or happy or anything like that.  I think they are comfortable in their German skins but unable to express it. I take joy in expressing my feelings for my country. Germany is good and so is America.

Everything about our mission has had purpose and divine planning. God is truly in charge and runs things well. I am needed as is Jeri. We needed this experience. Our experiences heretofore have had application time and again in our current  activities and interactions. God knows what He is doing even if I don't .

I am best at being who I am. I really think that is all that is expected of me so my job has become pretty easy and enjoyable. It’s like having the job you always wanted and having the time and resources to do it well. I was living my dream in Minnesota and now I'm just continuing the dream in a little less selfish way. My life is good.

Thanks for reading .