Rainy Day in Rostock!
Rain never keeps the Germans in. Mamas and Papas and Omas out pushing babies in carriages with plastic over carriage, baby all covered in a huge blanket so you can barely see them! I haven't had the courage to ask if I can take a picture, so I have to get them on the sly from our balcony. Our neighbors are expecting a baby girl any day so possibly I can ask them so you can see what I'm talking about.

A thought I had this morning during scripture study was how very much Jesus Christ loves EVERYONE!! I never knew Rostock Germany even existed before now, but He did. Each person I see on the busy street is a child of God; each is my brother or sister, and I hope that my love for these people can increase. It is good for me to be reaching out beyond my self and my familiar world. Oh,how I long to have a more open heart!! "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal." I Corinthians 13:1
Right now to the Germans my voice DOES sound like brass or a cymbal as they don't understand my words in English, but it is truly an opportunity for me to just show love through my smile or my eyes.
I suppose at all times we need to show love that way as we meet a stranger on the street or in the store...smiles work in all languages! Tchüss!! (a sweet German goodbye, pronounced Chus..long u.

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